33 Cwtch Beta Release Candidate Testing
Sarah Jamie Lewis edited this page 2021-06-23 17:31:39 -07:00

Thank you for volunteering to test Cwtch!

Latest Release Candidates for Testing

We will update these multiple times a week so be sure to check back if you would like to test that bugs have been fixed!

Linux: https://build.openprivacy.ca/files/flwtch-v0.0.1-433-gc420347-2021-06-23-22-04/cwtch-v0.0.1-433-gc420347.tar.gz

After extracting the cwtch folder, you should be able to run Cwtch by clicking on the cwtch.desktop file.

Alternatively, you can run cwtch from a terminal via env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/ ./cwtch

Windows: https://build.openprivacy.ca/files/flwtch-win-v0.0.1-433-gc420347-2021-06-23-22-05/cwtch-v0.0.1-433-gc420347.zip

After extracting the cwtch folder, you should be able to run Cwtch by clicking on the cwtch.exe

Windows will give you a "Windows protected your PC" warning, hit More info and then Run anway. We are trying to get a code signing certificate to get rid of this, but it's a first time only warning (and each new update...)

On Windows, sometimes the Shift key acts like it is stuck resulting in ALLCAPS. This is a bug upstream in Flutter that we expect to be fixed shortly, in the mean time pressing Left Shift fixes it.

Android: https://build.openprivacy.ca/files/flwtch-v0.0.1-433-gc420347-2021-06-23-22-04/app-release.apk

If you would like to be involved in the limited Google playstore beta test, please let Sarah know.

Thank you Stickers

Anyone who tests out Cwtch is eligible to receive thank you stickers from Open Privacy! Please reach out to contact@openprivacy.ca with the subject line "Stickers" and an address we can mail them to!

Reporting Bugs

We encourage you to report bugs in whatever way is most convieniant. Here are a few suggested ways:


Sign up for an account on https://git.openprivacy.ca (this website)

If you find any issues, crashes, confusing screens or anything else please open a new issue - please don't worry about duplicates or structure, just ensure that the title is an adequate description of the problem.

Feel free to also compile a list of bugs into a single issue if that is easier.


Maintain a text file of bugs and email this list to team@cwtch.im

Via Cwtch

If Sarah is online, or you have joined the Cwtch Testing Team cwtch group, then also feel free to report bugs via those too/

How to Test

Here are some ideas for actions to try and perform, contacts and groups to join! Feel free to stray from this path!

Create a new Profile

This is the first big test, create a new cwtch profile! (Also test closing the cwtch app, reopening it and seeing if you can load the profile again).

Add a Contact: Sarah's cwtch Address

If you have managed to get this far then it is time to say "hi" to say to Sarah.

Sarah's cwtch address is icyt7rvdsdci42h6si2ibtwucdmjrlcb2ezkecuagtquiiflbkxf2cqd

(Optional) FuzzBot

If Sarah isn't online and you have no one else to talk to, you can also try talking to FuzzBot...

Add FuzzBot as a contact: 4y2hxlxqzautabituedksnh2ulcgm2coqbure6wvfpg4gi2ci25ta5ad

Say blns to kick off a fuzz test of the chat message overlay (WARNING this will send you hundreds of messages)

Alternatively say invite-me 10 to kick off a fuzz test of the invite overlay

(Optional) Groups

Groups are an experimental feature for Cwtch that provides multi-party chat via untrusted servers. They need to be turned on in the settings

First turn on Turn on Experiments in Settings.

Then you will get an option to Turn on the Group Experiment.

Joining a Group: Cwtch testers chat!

If you would like to join the cwtch testers group chat, please ask Sarah for an invite (via cwtch)

Creating a Group

In order to create a group you will need to add a server. This will be done automatically if you join the testing group, but you can also add it separately by pasting the following into the "Add Contact" field.


Known Issues

Here are a few issues that we are actively working on, but you may run into:

  • Strings & Translations aren't finalized yet, and for many non-English languages are missing entirely. If you would like to help with translations please reach out to Sarah. Alternatively if you have an idea for an alternative phrasing for a particular label, please report it as a bug.