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Bug report Create a report to help us improve new issue

Before creating an issue, make sure that you are on the latest file_picker version and that there aren't already any similar opened inssues. Also, check if it isn't described on the Wiki, specially on Troubleshooting page.

Also, sometimes a simple flutter clean and flutter build again with latest file_picker version, may end up by fixing cached issues, so I encourage you to first do so.

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. If the issue happens to be on Android, please make sure that it also happens with a different device/simulator and/or version.


  • [] Android
  • [] iOS
  • [] Web
  • [] Desktop (Go)

Platform OS version What version did it happen?

How are you picking?

Please, post the snippet here

Details to reproduce the issue Provide all the details to reproduce the issue.

Error Log Please, post the full console log of your issue, if applicable.

Screenshots and/or video If applicable, add screenshots or video to help explain your problem.

Flutter Version details Please, post the output of your flutter doctor -v, preferably, while running the issued device/simulator.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.