think i have filters correct. commiting this with timer that flips every 3 seconds to compare back to back. they at least work/make the sound less harsh.

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Theron 2020-03-04 21:48:21 -06:00
parent 5551e2a53a
commit e99a564940
1 changed files with 80 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
low pass filter:
y = (1 - gamma) * y + gamma * x
high pass filter:
y[i] := gamma * y[i1] + gamma * (x[i] x[i1])
fc = 44100 = sample frequency
Ts = 1/44100 = sample period
fc = 14000 = cutoff frequency
gamma = 1 - (e ^ (-2pi * fc / fs))? from but that's just a first-order filter, is it low-pass?
use std::f32::consts::{E, PI};
extern crate sdl2;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use sdl2::Sdl;
use sdl2::audio::{AudioCallback, AudioSpecDesired};
use std::f32::consts::PI;
const APU_SAMPLE_RATE: f32 = 894_886.5;
const SDL_SAMPLE_RATE: i32 = 44_100;
@ -27,14 +10,6 @@ const SDL_SAMPLE_RATE: i32 = 44_100;
// devices and then sleeping. So the audio device is set to play 44,100 samples per second, and grab them in 60 intervals over the course of that second.
const SAMPLES_PER_FRAME: u16 = SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as u16/60;
fn low_pass_coefficient(cutoff_freq: f32) -> f32 {
// 1. - (E.powf(-2. * PI * cutoff_freq / (SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32)))
(2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) / ((2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) + 1.)
fn high_pass_coefficient(cutoff_freq: f32) -> f32 {
1. / ((2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) + 1.)
pub struct ApuSampler {
// This buffer receives all of the raw audio produced by the APU.
@ -42,32 +17,34 @@ pub struct ApuSampler {
buffer: Arc<Mutex<Vec<f32>>>,
sample_ratio: f32,
prev_input_90Hz: f32,
prev_output_90Hz: f32,
gamma_90Hz: f32,
prev_input_90_hz: f32,
prev_output_90_hz: f32,
gamma_90_hz: f32,
prev_input_440Hz: f32,
prev_output_440Hz: f32,
gamma_440Hz: f32,
prev_input_440_hz: f32,
prev_output_440_hz: f32,
gamma_440_hz: f32,
prev_input_14kHz: f32,
prev_output_14kHz: f32,
gamma_14kHz: f32,
prev_input_14_khz: f32,
prev_output_14_khz: f32,
gamma_14_khz: f32,
filter_toggle: bool,
t: Instant,
impl ApuSampler {
fn high_pass_90Hz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
fn high_pass_90_hz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
// y[i] := α × y[i1] + α × (x[i] x[i1])
(self.gamma_90Hz * self.prev_output_90Hz) + (sample - self.prev_input_90Hz)
(self.gamma_90_hz * self.prev_output_90_hz) + (sample - self.prev_input_90_hz)
fn high_pass_440Hz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
(self.gamma_440Hz * self.prev_output_440Hz) + (sample - self.prev_input_440Hz)
fn high_pass_440_hz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
(self.gamma_440_hz * self.prev_output_440_hz) + (sample - self.prev_input_440_hz)
fn low_pass_14kHz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
((1. - self.gamma_14kHz) * self.prev_output_14kHz) + (self.gamma_14kHz * sample)
fn low_pass_14_khz(&self, sample: f32) -> f32 {
((1. - self.gamma_14_khz) * self.prev_output_14_khz) + (self.gamma_14_khz * sample)
@ -76,6 +53,20 @@ impl AudioCallback for ApuSampler {
type Channel = f32;
fn callback(&mut self, out: &mut [f32]) {
// for testing filters
let now = Instant::now();
if now.duration_since(self.t) > Duration::from_secs(3) {
self.t = now;
if self.filter_toggle {
println!("flipping filters OFF");
self.filter_toggle = false;
} else {
println!("flipping filters ON");
self.filter_toggle = true;
let mut b = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
// if we have data in the buffer
if b.len() > 0 {
@ -85,22 +76,24 @@ impl AudioCallback for ApuSampler {
if sample_idx < b.len() {
let sample = b[sample_idx];
let filtered_90Hz = self.high_pass_90Hz(sample);
self.prev_input_90Hz = sample;
self.prev_output_90Hz = filtered_90Hz;
// *x = filtered_90Hz;
if self.filter_toggle {
let filtered_90_hz = self.high_pass_90_hz(sample);
self.prev_input_90_hz = sample;
self.prev_output_90_hz = filtered_90_hz;
// *x = filtered_90_hz;
let filtered_440Hz = self.high_pass_440Hz(filtered_90Hz);
self.prev_input_440Hz = filtered_90Hz;
self.prev_output_440Hz = filtered_440Hz;
// *x = filtered_440Hz;
let filtered_440_hz = self.high_pass_440_hz(filtered_90_hz);
self.prev_input_440_hz = filtered_90_hz;
self.prev_output_440_hz = filtered_440_hz;
// *x = filtered_440_hz;
let filtered_14kHz = self.low_pass_14kHz(filtered_440Hz);
self.prev_input_14kHz = filtered_440Hz;
self.prev_output_14kHz = filtered_14kHz;
*x = filtered_14kHz;
// *x = sample;
let filtered_14_khz = self.low_pass_14_khz(filtered_440_hz);
self.prev_input_14_khz = filtered_440_hz;
self.prev_output_14_khz = filtered_14_khz;
*x = filtered_14_khz;
} else {
*x = sample;
let l = b.len();
@ -128,27 +121,38 @@ pub fn initialize(sdl_context: &Sdl, buffer: Arc<Mutex<Vec<f32>>>)
sample_ratio: APU_SAMPLE_RATE / (SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32),
prev_input_90Hz: 0.,
prev_output_90Hz: 0.,
gamma_90Hz: high_pass_coefficient(90.),
prev_input_440Hz: 0.,
prev_output_440Hz: 0.,
gamma_440Hz: high_pass_coefficient(440.),
prev_input_14kHz: 0.,
prev_output_14kHz: 0.,
gamma_14kHz: low_pass_coefficient(14_000.),
prev_input_90_hz: 0.,
prev_output_90_hz: 0.,
gamma_90_hz: high_pass_coefficient(90.),
prev_input_440_hz: 0.,
prev_output_440_hz: 0.,
gamma_440_hz: high_pass_coefficient(440.),
prev_input_14_khz: 0.,
prev_output_14_khz: 0.,
gamma_14_khz: low_pass_coefficient(14_000.),
filter_toggle: false,
t: Instant::now(),
mod tests {
use super::low_pass_coefficient;
fn show_gamma_values() {
for i in [0, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000].iter() {
println!("gamma for cutoff frequency {}: {}", i, get_gamma(*i as f32));
fn low_pass_coefficient(cutoff_freq: f32) -> f32 {
(2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) / ((2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) + 1.)
fn high_pass_coefficient(cutoff_freq: f32) -> f32 {
1. / ((2.*PI*cutoff_freq/SDL_SAMPLE_RATE as f32) + 1.)
low pass filter:
y = (1 - gamma) * y + gamma * x
high pass filter:
y[i] := gamma * y[i1] + gamma * (x[i] x[i1])