
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2020-07-04 18:38:13 -07:00
parent 7f06d1f6bc
commit 5ec842f6ee
2 changed files with 132 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Grid {
Rectangle {
color: "blue"
Text {
id: target
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Hello, World!"
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ Grid {
text: "Hello, World!"
onclick = [[
print("Hello World!");
update_property("target", "text", "123");

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use orbtk::prelude::*;
use rhai::{packages::*, Engine, EvalAltResult, INT};
use rhai::RegisterFn;
extern crate pest;
extern crate pest_derive;
@ -7,8 +9,13 @@ extern crate pest_derive;
use crate::Value::{QmlIdent, QmlNumber, QmlString};
use pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs};
use pest::Parser;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut};
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use crate::Action::Code;
use std::time::Duration;
#[grammar = "../pest/qml.pest"]
@ -93,8 +100,10 @@ fn parse_qml(qml: Pairs<Rule>) -> QML {
fn main() {
.window(|ctx| {
let mut app_context:HashMap<String, Entity> = HashMap::new();
let qml = read_to_string("./res/example.qml").unwrap();
let qml_tokens = QmlParser::parse(Rule::qml, qml.as_str()).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e));
let qml_doc = parse_qml(qml_tokens);
@ -109,34 +118,119 @@ fn main() {
_ => 600.0,
println!("{:?}", qml_doc);
let (tx, rx): (Sender<(String,String,String)>, Receiver<(String,String,String)>) = mpsc::channel();
let w = Window::create()
.position((100.0, 100.0))
.size(width, height)
.child(render_ctx(ctx, &top_level, 0, 0, &HashMap::new()).unwrap())
.child(MainViewState{ action: None, qml: top_level.clone(), rx: None, state1: Some(MVState{tx:Some(tx.clone()),rx:None}),state2: Some(MVState{rx:Some(rx),tx:None})}.build(ctx))
fn parse_number(val: Option<&Value>, env: &HashMap<String, Value>) -> f64 {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Action {
pub struct MainViewState {
action: Option<Action>,
qml: Vec<(String, QML)>,
rx: Option<Receiver<String>>,
state1: Option<MVState>,
state2: Option<MVState>
impl Widget for MainViewState {
fn create() -> Self {
fn build(self, ctx: &mut BuildContext) -> Entity {
let top_level = self.qml.clone();
let widget = ctx.create_entity();
let this = render_ctx(widget, ctx, &top_level, 0, 0).unwrap();
ctx.register_state(this, Box::new(self.state2.unwrap()));
ctx.register_state(widget, Box::new(self.state1.unwrap()));
fn insert_handler(self, handler: impl Into<Rc<dyn EventHandler>>) -> Self {
fn child(self, child: Entity) -> Self {
struct MVState {
tx: Option<Sender<(String,String,String)>>,
rx: Option<Receiver<(String,String,String)>>
impl MVState {
fn action(&mut self, action: String) {
match self.tx.clone() {
Some(tx) => {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
engine.register_fn("update_property", move |x: &str,y: &str,z: &str| {
tx.send((String::from(x), String::from(y), String::from(z)));
let result = engine.eval::<()>(action.as_str());
_ => {}
impl State for MVState {
fn init(&mut self, registry: &mut Registry, ctx: &mut Context) {
self.update(registry, ctx);
fn update(&mut self, registry: &mut Registry, ctx: &mut Context) {
match &self.rx {
Some(rx)=> {
match rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(1)) {
Ok((x,y,z)) => {
_ => {}
_ => {}
impl Template for MainViewState {
fn parse_number(val: Option<&Value>) -> f64 {
match val {
Some(QmlNumber(num)) => num.clone(),
Some(QmlIdent(ident)) => match env.get(ident) {
Some(QmlNumber(num)) => num.clone(),
_ => 0.0,
_ => 0.0,
fn render_ctx(
id: Entity,
ctx: &mut BuildContext,
qml: &Vec<(String, QML)>,
row: u32,
col: u32,
env: &HashMap<String, Value>,
col: u32
) -> Option<Entity> {
for (ident, child) in qml.iter() {
match ident.as_str() {
@ -144,8 +238,8 @@ fn render_ctx(
let mut grid = Grid::create();
grid = grid.attach(Grid::row(row as usize));
grid = grid.attach(Grid::column(col as usize));
let rows = parse_number("rows"), &env) as u32;
let cols = parse_number("cols"), &env) as u32;
let rows = parse_number("rows")) as u32;
let cols = parse_number("cols")) as u32;
let mut grid_rows = Rows::create();
for i in 0..rows {
@ -163,7 +257,7 @@ fn render_ctx(
let mut gcol = 0u32;
//rect = rect.attach(Grid::column(gcol as usize));
for (i, s) in child.children.iter() {
match render_ctx(ctx, &vec![(i.clone(), s.clone())], grow, gcol, &env) {
match render_ctx(id, ctx, &vec![(i.clone(), s.clone())], grow, gcol) {
Some(entity) => {
grid = grid.child(entity);
grow += 1;
@ -179,8 +273,8 @@ fn render_ctx(
return Some(;
"Rectangle" => {
let width = parse_number("width"), &env);
let height = parse_number("height"), &env);
let width = parse_number("width"));
let height = parse_number("height"));
let color = match"color") {
Some(QmlString(col)) => match col.as_str() {
@ -198,12 +292,9 @@ fn render_ctx(
rect = rect.attach(Grid::row(row as usize));
rect = rect.attach(Grid::column(col as usize));
let mut env = env.clone();
env.insert(String::from("parent.width"), QmlNumber(width));
env.insert(String::from("parent.height"), QmlNumber(height));
for (i, s) in child.children.iter() {
match render_ctx(ctx, &vec![(i.clone(), s.clone())], 0, 0, &env) {
match render_ctx(id, ctx, &vec![(i.clone(), s.clone())], 0, 0) {
Some(entity) => {
rect = rect.child(entity);
@ -222,8 +313,9 @@ fn render_ctx(
QmlString(code) => code.clone(),
_ => String::new(),
button = button.on_click(move |x, y| -> bool {
button = button.on_click(move |states, _| -> bool {
state(id, states).action(code.clone());
return true;
@ -246,16 +338,24 @@ fn render_ctx(
return Some(;
"Text" => {
let text = match"text").unwrap() {
QmlString(text) => text.clone(),
let text = match"text") {
Some(QmlString(text)) => text.clone(),
_ => String::new(),
let mut tt = TextBlock::create();
tt = tt.text(text);
tt = tt.attach(Grid::row(row as usize));
tt = tt.attach(Grid::column(col as usize));
match"id") {
Some(QmlIdent(text)) => {
tt =;
_ => { }
match"anchors.centerIn") {
Some(QmlIdent(str)) => {
if str.eq("parent") {
@ -265,8 +365,8 @@ fn render_ctx(
_ => {}
return Some(;
let entity =;
return Some(entity);
_ => println!("unknown ident {}", ident),
@ -274,7 +374,7 @@ fn render_ctx(
fn rhai_script(run: String) {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
fn state<'a>(id: Entity, states: &'a mut StatesContext) -> &'a mut MVState {