docs: More Rust coding standards, based on without boats' comments.

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Isis Lovecruft 2017-08-31 00:41:47 +00:00 committed by Nick Mathewson
parent aeef8a093f
commit 12cf04646c
1 changed files with 99 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -78,6 +78,12 @@ types/constants/objects/functions/methods, you SHOULD also include an
You MUST document your module with _module docstring_ comments,
i.e. `//!` at the beginning of each line.
You SHOULD consider breaking up large literal numbers with `_` when it makes it
more human readable to do so, e.g. `let x: u64 = 100_000_000_000`.
@ -147,6 +153,14 @@ If you wish to fuzz parts of your code, please see the
[`cargo fuzz`]( crate, which uses
Whitespace & Formatting
You MUST run `rustfmt` (
on your code before your code will be merged. You can install rustfmt
by doing `cargo install rustfmt-nightly` and then run it with `cargo
@ -162,6 +176,44 @@ Here are some additional bits of advice and rules:
an inline comment stating how the unwrap will either 1) never fail,
or 2) should fail (i.e. in a unittest).
You SHOULD NOT use `unwrap()` anywhere in which it is possible to handle the
potential error with either `expect()` or the eel operator, `?`.
For example, consider a function which parses a string into an integer:
fn parse_port_number(config_string: &str) -> u16 {
u16::from_str_radix(config_string, 10).unwrap()
There are numerous ways this can fail, and the `unwrap()` will cause the
whole program to byte the dust! Instead, either you SHOULD use `expect()`
(or another equivalent function which will return an `Option` or a `Result`)
and change the return type to be compatible:
fn parse_port_number(config_string: &str) -> Option<u16> {
u16::from_str_radix(config_string, 10).expect("Couldn't parse port into a u16")
or you SHOULD use `or()` (or another similar method):
fn parse_port_number(config_string: &str) -> Option<u16> {
u16::from_str_radix(config_string, 10).or(Err("Couldn't parse port into a u16")
Using methods like `or()` can be particularly handy when you must do
something afterwards with the data, for example, if we wanted to guarantee
that the port is high. Combining these methods with the eel operator (`?`)
makes this even easier:
fn parse_port_number(config_string: &str) -> Result<u16, Err> {
let port = u16::from_str_radix(config_string, 10).or(Err("Couldn't parse port into a u16"))?;
if port > 1024 {
return Ok(port);
} else {
return Err("Low ports not allowed");
2. `unsafe`
If you use `unsafe`, you MUST describe a contract in your
@ -175,8 +227,8 @@ Here are some additional bits of advice and rules:
pub unsafe extern "C" fn increment_and_combine_numbers(mut numbers: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
for index in 0..numbers.len() {
numbers[index] += 1;
for number in &mut numbers {
*number += 1;
std::mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(numbers)
@ -218,15 +270,14 @@ Here are some additional bits of advice and rules:
`from_raw()` and then deallocate in Rust can result in a
[memory leak](
[It was determined]( that this
is safe to do if you use the same allocator in C and Rust and also specify
the memory alignment for CString (except that there is no way to specify
the alignment for CString). It is believed that the alignment is always 1,
which would mean it's safe to dealloc the resulting `*mut c_char` in Tor's
C code. However, the Rust developers are not willing to guarantee the
stability of, or a contract for, this behaviour, citing concerns that this
is potentially extremely and subtly unsafe.
[It was determined]( that this
is safe to do if you use the same allocator in C and Rust and also specify
the memory alignment for CString (except that there is no way to specify
the alignment for CString). It is believed that the alignment is always 1,
which would mean it's safe to dealloc the resulting `*mut c_char` in Tor's
C code. However, the Rust developers are not willing to guarantee the
stability of, or a contract for, this behaviour, citing concerns that this
is potentially extremely and subtly unsafe.
4. Perform an allocation on the other side of the boundary
@ -338,11 +389,42 @@ Here are some additional bits of advice and rules:
In fact, using `std::mem::transmute` for *any* reason is a code smell and as
such SHOULD be avoided.
9. Casting integers with `as`
Whitespace & Formatting
This is generally fine to do, but it has some behaviours which you should be
aware of. Casting down chops off the high bits, e.g.:
You MUST run `rustfmt` (
on your code before your code will be merged. You can install rustfmt
by doing `cargo install rustfmt-nightly` and then run it with `cargo
let x: u32 = 4294967295;
println!("{}", x as u16); // prints 65535
Some cases which you MUST NOT do include:
* Casting an `u128` down to an `f32` or vice versa (e.g.
`u128::MAX as f32` but this isn't only a problem with overflowing
as it is also undefined behaviour for `42.0f32 as u128`),
* Casting between integers and floats when the thing being cast
cannot fit into the type it is being casted into, e.g.:
println!("{}", 42949.0f32 as u8); // prints 197 in debug mode and 0 in release
println!("{}", 1.04E+17 as u8); // prints 0 in both modes
println!("{}", (0.0/0.0) as i64); // prints whatever the heck LLVM wants
Because this behaviour is undefined, it can even produce segfaults in
safe Rust code. For example, the following program built in release
mode segfaults:
pub fn trigger_ub(sl: &[u8; 666]) -> &[u8] {
// Note that the float is out of the range of `usize`, invoking UB when casting.
let idx = 1e99999f64 as usize;
&sl[idx..] // The bound check is elided due to `idx` being of an undefined value.
fn main() {
println!("{}", trigger_ub(&[1; 666])[999999]); // ~ out of bound
And in debug mode panics with:
thread 'main' panicked at 'slice index starts at 140721821254240 but ends at 666', /checkout/src/libcore/slice/