• v1.11.0 c83ef21f90

    v1.11.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2023-03-28 20:27:58 +00:00 | 334 commits to trunk since this release

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • When preserving a message draft, quoted messages are now also saved
      • Layout issues caused by pathological unicode are now prevented
      • Improved performance of message row rendering
      • Clickable Links: Links in replies are now selectable
      • Clickable Links: Fixed error when highlighting certain URIs
      • File Downloading: Fixes for file downloading and exporting on 32bit Android devices
      • Server Hosting: Fixes for several layout issues
      • Build pipeline now runs automated UI tests
      • Fix issues caused by scrollbar controller overriding
      • Initial support for the Blodeuwedd Assistant (currently compile-time disabled)
      • Cwtch Library:
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (75%), Norwegian (76%), and Romanian (75%)
      • Partial translations for Luxembourgish (22%), Greek (16%), and Portuguese (6%)

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.11 is based on libCwtch version 2023-03-16-15-07-v0.0.3-1-g50c853a. The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.3-1-g50c853a
