• v1.14.7 50c9f66aca

    v1.14.7 Stable

    sarah released this 2024-02-27 21:15:00 +00:00 | 29 commits to trunk since this release

    This fix mainly addresses several long standing issues with Android, but also contains an important update to libCwtch.

    • New Android 13 Foreground Service Permission (FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC) - to ensure better stability
    • Fixes an issue that prevented some contacts from fetching profile images
    • Android Notification fix to prevent exceptions when displaying full "Conversation Info" notifications with profile images enabled
    • Cwtch Reload functionality fixed on Android to prevent over-zealous deletion of messages for contacts with unsaved history
    • A few minor UI fixes for Android and Desktop to better fit small screens (more on the way!)

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.14.7 is based on libCwtch version libCwtch-autobindings-2024-02-26-18-01-v0.0.14. The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.14
