• v1.8.0 4404977128

    v1.8.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-06-27 19:53:21 +00:00 | 509 commits to trunk since this release

    • New Features:
      • New Message Formatting Toolbar
      • Brand New Documentation Handbook: docs.cwtch.im
      • Apple Silicon Support
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Clicking on a Quoted Message will not scroll to that message
      • Quoted messages are now clipped to single line to maximize space
      • Clicking a contact in a conversation to initiate a DM will now scroll the conversation list to that contact.
      • Cwtch is now based on Flutter 3
        • Linux: Holding down a keyboard key will now repeat input
      • Dropdown fields in Settings are now correctly scaled
      • Bug Fix preventing archived messages from displaying their correct timestamp
      • Syncing a new group on a new server will now update the syncing progress bar
      • Address has been removed from Group Conversation Settings as it no long has any practical use
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (89%), Norwegian (89%), and Romanian (89%).
      • Partial translations for Luxembourgish (24%), Greek (19%), and Portuguese (7%).
      • Add Contact UX has been split to prompt for a specific action instead on directly opening the Add Contact pane
      • Several small updates to theming
      • Image / File display overlay now displays timestamp like other messages
      • Snackbar notifications have been added for all copy actions
      • Conversation row now displays the date instead of time for conversations between 1 and 2 days old
      • Conversation row is now split onto multiple lines to better use space
      • When scrolling up a conversation, a button is now displayed to allow quickly scrolling to the most recent messages
  • v1.7.1 fa52b741bf

    v1.7.1 Pre-Release

    dan released this 2022-05-02 22:18:44 +00:00 | 589 commits to trunk since this release

    • filedownload bubble fixes for when file is moved
    • fixes for android reply to message
    • fixes for message cache loading especially on android
    • minor improvements to message pane rendering on loading messages
    • improve "new messages" bubble behaviour
  • v.1.7.0 59e3220bce

    v.1.7.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-04-21 23:59:08 +00:00 | 603 commits to trunk since this release

  • v1.6.2 62a99797ca

    v1.6.2 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-03-04 21:18:47 +00:00 | 668 commits to trunk since this release

  • v1.6.1 68c2e1547a

    v1.6.1 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-02-17 00:03:04 +00:00 | 716 commits to trunk since this release

    • Android API for LeaveConversation is now wired in
    • Fixes wordwrapping display issues on Android
    • Numpad enter now sends message
    • Sending via Enter or Send Button now triggers the same path.
    • Bumps Pubspec Version to 1.6.1 for Android
  • v1.6.0 fd886e7315

    v1.6.0 Pre-Release

    dan released this 2022-02-10 22:26:21 +00:00 | 726 commits to trunk since this release

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
      • Custom Profile Images
        • This requires enabling the Filesharing and Image Preview experiments
      • Advanced Tor Configuration
        • Cwtch can now be configured to cache tor consensus information, use predefined ports, and connect to an external, system Tor
        • Tor Circuit information is now available for P2P Conversations
      • Notification Policies
        • You can now mute specific conversations, turn off notifications entirely,
          or switch all notifications to opt-in.
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Support sender side previews for shared images.
      • Deleting P2P contacts is now supported again
      • Clickable Links will no longer append https to the text of the
        displayed URL
      • Closing via the windows exit button on Linux now triggers Cwtch to
        shut down cleanly.
      • Packaged Tor has been upgraded.
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full French, Russian and Italian Translations!
        • Notifications are not translatable
      • Settings Pane is now broken down by subheadings
      • Message view now displays an estimated character count/limit for new messages
      • Fix bug that allows multiple file dialog windows to be opened when sharing
        a file
      • Number of unread messages from other loaded profiles are now summarized on the active profile.
  • v1.5.2 e12b744e68

    v1.5.2 Pre-Release

    dan released this 2022-01-07 21:56:56 +00:00 | 847 commits to trunk since this release

    • accept / block functionality fixes
    • Create group server list falls back to onion if no description
    • fix leave group
    • fix set peer save history setting
    • fix android invites
    • fix android save server name
    • fix android gorups appearing offline after app resume
    • Android appbar color themed
  • v1.5.1 66aa9ef00d

    v1.5.1 Pre-Release

    dan released this 2021-12-21 20:37:11 +00:00 | 863 commits to trunk since this release

    • fix CPU spiking render loop with filebubble widget
    • change password failure doesn't return to profile manager
  • v1.5.0 af91288bb7

    v1.5.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2021-12-21 09:16:06 +00:00 | 869 commits to trunk since this release

  • v1.4.2 07b97fdb02

    v1.4.2 Pre-Release

    dan released this 2021-11-09 23:50:53 +00:00 | 995 commits to trunk since this release

    • Fix servers crashing the app after one minute on Windows